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Three Reasons To Shop The Farmer's Market

The farmer’s market is full of fresh, local foods harvested right in your own community. Not only does shopping at the farmer’s market allow you to get to know and support local growers, but it is surprisingly affordable. It’s also a great way to get creative with meals and snacks by using the season’s most delicious bounty. Here's our top 3 reasons to get shopping!


One of the biggest benefits of shopping at the farmer’s market is that you can directly stimulate your local economy, all while enjoying some of the freshest tasting fruits and vegetables available. While shopping, make sure to speak to the farmers to help discover new foods that you may not have seen or tried before. This is especially enjoyable for kids! Unsure if you’ll like the taste of something? Simply ask for a sample! Most farmers can also tell you the best way to prepare and serve the food you’re considering. Sometimes, they’ll even supply a few recipes to go along with your purchase. Talk about win-win! Interested in knowing how FLIK supports local business in our cafes?


Fruits and veggies available at local markets tend to be richer in nutrients, as there is less travel time between the farm and the consumer. Plus, everything offered is in season, meaning it is at its peak of freshness. The variety of produce available tends to be more robust than at a traditional supermarket – which means more opportunity to fill your plate with more colors, which provide vitamins and minerals essential to our health.


There is no question that consuming locally grown produce is better for the environment overall. Since there is less travel time to get the food from the farm to the consumer, pollution from transportation is greatly reduced. In fact, many markets only allow vendors to sell food within 200 miles. Also, less packaging material is needed to sell produce at a farmer’s market compared to traditional supermarkets which reduces waste. Lastly, many local farmers follow organic practices which reduces the amount of synthetic pesticides and chemicals that pollute our air and water.


At FLIK Hospitality Group we believe in great food, great service, and great people. Our wellness first approach ensures our food supports healthy and delicious choices, specially curated by our team of culinary experts and registered dietitians. At FLIK, we believe in seasonality in sourcing our ingredients and providing a customized approach to the culinary and hospitality needs of each client. Our dedication to providing quality hospitality service is unparalleled in the industry.

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